Sunday, December 6, 2020

24 Festive Tasks: International Day of Tolerance

 Square Thirteen


 My Life in France  By  cover art

Book: Read a book about tolerance, or outside your comfort zone, set in Paris (seat of UNESCO), by or about a Nobel Peace Prize winner, or about a protagonist (fictional or nonfictional) who has a reputation as a peacemaker.

My Life in France by Julia Child (read by Kimberly Farris
This was a re-read but the story  light and interesting. I'm glad that her nephew helped her to get her story of the making of Mastering The Art of French Cooking on paper before she passed away.

Task 1: If you have kids or pets, tell us about something “bad” they did that was so funny you couldn’t help but forgive (“pardon”) them. If you have neither kids nor pets, was there such an event in your own childhood – or with kids or pets in your family or circle of friends?)

Wow, their childhood was so long ago and my memory is so bad that all those little details have slipped away. Of course, there was the time DS was, by his own reckoning, too sick to go to school that day. But it was karate day -- and if you are too sick for school, you are too sick for after-school activities. He did not like with Mommy's rule and so he sneaked out of the house and proceeded to walk to the dojo. It was almost 4 miles by the route he took -- the shorter route was half the distance but it was also the first direction Mommy would go to look for him.. There were no side walks along his route, residential neighborhood so lots of coming and going during the after-school hours--not quite the route you want your third-grader to be walking alone.  I didn't realize he was gone until I got a call from a neighbor telling me that she saw my son walking along W. Street. Honestly, I don't remember the rest of the details -- did I pick him up along his route? was I waiting for him as he got to the dojo? Was I freaking out? Doesn't matter. He walked 4 miles and still didn't get to go to his karate class.

Task 2: Name a redeeming trait of a book that you DNF’d this year.

I guess the DNF that annoyed me the most this year was P.G. Wodehouse's Summer Lightning. I quit in a huff because the narrator was terrible, which is a shame because the author was Wodehouse and the story was quite delightful, when I could understand what was being said. Redeeming trait: written by Wodehouse.

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