Friday, May 29, 2020

Tarzan of the Apes

Tarzan of the Apes audiobook cover artby Edgar Rice Burroughs

Tarzan was written over a hundred years ago (1912) -- and it shows. It was written as pulp fiction, a magazine serial. But still, it is a classic-- especially if you consider that the brand kept the author in clover for the next four decades. Tarzan books sold -- and so did the movies and the TV show. Can't tell you how many Tarzan movies we watched on the TV when we got home from school -- back in the days when we had three channels to choose from and at 4pm, it was movie time . Olympic swimmer Johnny Weissmuller was my favorite. But, I digress.

I had to keep reminding myself that to read this book, I must suspend disbelief -- and keep it suspended. I'm not good at that and here I am reading a book that starts with an unbelievable premise and just goes from there. But, 100 years later and people are still reading it and literary critics are still studying it and talking about.

Rating: 3 and half stars