Saturday, May 9, 2020

February, 2020 Reading List

YTD: Count 19 and  Hours 216:49
Goal for the year: 100 books and 1500 hours

February, 2020
  1. Great Expectations --NEW8
  2. Great Courses: The Vikings --NEW9  HISTORY1
  3. Hell Is Empty -- NEW10
  4. How to Behave Badly in Elizabethan England -- NEW11  HISTORY2
  5. Junkyard Dog -- NEW12
  6. Quichotte -- NEW13
  7. Raven Black -- NEW14
  8. Songbird -- Re-read
  9. Landfall -- Re-read
  10. Lonely Road -- Re-read
  11. Longshot -- Re-read

Songbird audiobook cover artQuichotte audiobook cover artHow to Behave Badly in Elizabethan England audiobook cover art

MTD: Count 11 and Hours  134