Saturday, May 9, 2020

Preparing for the BL-pocalypse

It has been a busy week in my bookish world since Moonlight Reader announced that the BL domain had not yet been renewed. We go through this dance every four years and it galvanizes many of us to take action. Moreover, it has given me something quiet to keep me busy while DH sits beside me at his desk cranking out phone call after phone to fellow advisors and clients.

For my part, it meant exporting my DB to a spread sheet -- again, because who knows where I put the last one. This go round, it also meant a day spent cutting and pasting, post by post, everything from my blog that I wanted to keep -- mostly reviews of books -- and even though I am not a prolific or even wordy reviewer, eight years of posts still took a long, long time to get through. Don't take this as a complaint; it is not. I can't complain. I'm the one who changed her mind in a fit of ego and decided that I wanted to keep all my pearls of wisdom rather than let them fizzle into the ether.

Next on the to-do list was making sure that I was properly connected to the hive on Good Reads. I checked in as requested. Then I decided just how visible I wanted to be in that place, opting finally to at least follow everyone who had taken the time to check in and maybe eventually, everyone who is a member. I just need to keep checking back to see who else has check in. In the meantime, the GR flood of nonsense is uninviting as a way of communicating with people and I most likely will not visit GR on a regular basis except to the Booklikes Outpost.

The next step in preparing for BL-pocalypse was to get my Blogspot blog running again and and populate it with relevant 2020 posts from BL. I spent more time making it look nice than I did with populating it with old posts. Now I just have to remember to keep adding posts to it -- like this one but not necessarily things Filched from Facebook or other images that I might share here. Just note that commenting has been turned off; I would rather converse on Booklikes. Also, my blog is not searchable on Google; maybe if BL tanks and it becomes my main method of communication with the hive.

Finally, I figured out how to subscribe to your blogs using Thunderbird, which is my e-mail client. It was dirt easy to do. Thunderbird has a RSS reader built into it and it is a smart one, at that. It was easy to go to the "Check In" thread on GR and collect any links that were posted there. Where the link was the correct link for a feed, I could click on a button and it could find the needed URL. I then copied the URL and tried the add process again. Now I don't have to go hopping from blog to blog; everything I want to keep up is delivered to my doorstep.

Still, long live Booklikes and the people who make it what it is.