Monday, July 13, 2020

Shopping the Audible 2 for 1 Sale

Audible must have heard my complaints because there are new titles in the the sale bin -- and this time there was something worth buying. I bought four titles! which consider what a picky reader I am is a huge haul. I am making it harder and harder for me to spend my credits these days because with a thousand titles already in my library, I probably don't have to add a single new title and will still have plenty to keep my brain occupied for the rest of my life, so what I buy these days has to be something that I really want to read and re-read.

Three were Great Courses titles, which I really enjoy listening to. I am slowly working my way into areas of history that I haven't explored before--and being a lazy reader, the Great Courses spoon feed it. :

The History of Ancient Rome audiobook cover artThe Fall and Rise of China audiobook cover artThe History of Ancient Egypt audiobook cover art

And the fourth was a novel, the only one whose Audible reviews did not turn me off completely to even trying the author:
The Clockmaker's Daughter audiobook cover art

I'm happy that they added some Great Courses this time because otherwise my credits would have stayed in my pocket for another day.